class idasen.IdasenDesk(mac: str, exit_on_fail: bool = False)[source]

Idasen desk.

  • mac – Bluetooth MAC address of the desk.

  • exit_on_fail – If set to True, failing to connect will call sys.exit(1), otherwise the exception will be raised.


There is no locking to prevent you from running multiple movement coroutines simultaneously.


Basic Usage:

from idasen import IdasenDesk

async with IdasenDesk(mac="AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA") as desk:
    # call methods here...
MAX_HEIGHT: float = 1.27[source]

Maximum desk height in meters.

MIN_HEIGHT: float = 0.62[source]

Minimum desk height in meters.

RETRY_COUNT: int = 3[source]

Number of times to retry upon failure to connect.

async classmethod discover() → Optional[str][source]

Try to find the desk’s MAC address by discovering currently connected devices.


MAC address if found, None if not found.

async get_height() → float[source]

Get the desk height in meters.


Desk height in meters.

>>> async def example() -> float:
...     async with IdasenDesk(mac="AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA") as desk:
...         await desk.move_to_target(1.0)
...         return await desk.get_height()
>>> asyncio.run(example())
async is_connected() → bool[source]

Check connection status of the desk.


Boolean representing connection status.

>>> async def example() -> bool:
...     async with IdasenDesk(mac="AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA") as desk:
...         return await desk.is_connected()
>>> asyncio.run(example())
property mac[source]

Desk MAC address.

async move_down()[source]

Move the desk downwards.

This command moves the desk downwards for a fixed duration (approximately one second) as set by your desk controller.

>>> async def example():
...     async with IdasenDesk(mac="AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA") as desk:
...         await desk.move_down()
>>> asyncio.run(example())
async move_to_target(target: float)[source]

Move the desk to the target position.


target – Target position in meters.


ValueError – Target exceeds maximum or minimum limits.

>>> async def example():
...     async with IdasenDesk(mac="AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA") as desk:
...         await desk.move_to_target(1.1)
>>> asyncio.run(example())
async move_up()[source]

Move the desk upwards.

This command moves the desk upwards for a fixed duration (approximately one second) as set by your desk controller.

>>> async def example():
...     async with IdasenDesk(mac="AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA") as desk:
...         await desk.move_up()
>>> asyncio.run(example())
async stop()[source]

Stop desk movement.